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  • Writer's pictureJessica Maggio Wion

10 Mistakes to Avoid in Venice with Kids

Updated: Oct 5, 2023

Don't miss out on these tips and tricks when visiting Europe's most magical city.

Venice with kids
Don't bring a stroller like the dummy in this picture. That dummy is me.

Venice can be magical and maddening all at once. Follow these tips to maximize the fun and minimize the disappointment when visiting Venice with kids.

Mistake #1 when visiting Venice with kids - Trusting the maps on your phone too much

Venice is an interconnected warren of streets and canals. Sidewalks twist, turn, and randomly end...or open up into beautiful little squares. In some spots, you'll be on a street with a blind turn that takes you back down the way you came.

Google Maps and Apple Maps both do a reasonably good job of helping navigate, but don't become overly reliant on your navigation apps. I can guaranty that they'll steer you wrong a few times.

Plus, those random wrong turns are part of what makes Venice special.

Turn left and you might hear an opera singer tuning up for a performance. Turn right and you'll find a small artists' gallery with the perfect print to take home. Turn right again and you might dead end into a canal.

Be OK with not knowing where you are at all times and give your kids the freedom to explore some of the back streets and unlock some unexpected fun.

These are just a few of the side streets and back alleys we've explored throughout Venice.

Mistake #2 - Bringing a Stroller

Venice Bridges
One of ten thousand bridges in Venice

Most of Venice is cobblestone streets. In addition to the main canals, there are hundreds of smaller ones with tiny pedestrian bridges crossing them. It is probably the least stroller-friendly city we've ever visited.

During a trip with a 1-year-old, we traversed the city with our blue Bugaboo. We loved that stroller because it featured shock absorbers which made for a smooth ride off road and over cobblestones. However, it was HEAVY...and hauling it up and down bridge stairs every 100 meters made me sweaty, sore, and annoyed.

Backpacking Venice with kids.
Pro tip: Bring a backpack instead of a stroller

Instead, opt for a Baby Bjorn, sling, or toddler backpack. You'll be able to cover more ground in less time. But if you opt for a backpack, practice carrying your kid around in it before the trip. They might love it immediately, but it doesn't hurt to get a little practice in ahead of time.

We love THIS BACKPACK because it can stand up alone when not on your back. Our middle one would often fall asleep on my back and then we'd set him down to snooze while we enjoyed some quiet time over lunch or at a square.

Mistake #3 - Not bringing a jacket

Because Venice is several miles from the mainland, it can be windy. Rising tides and flooding are also consistent occurrences. That leads to high humidity year-round which, in turn, can make the air feel clammy in summer and cool temperatures even more chilling in the fall and winter.

We often recommend dressing in layers and bringing a jacket (windbreaker in summer) but it is even more essential in Venice.

Mistake #4 - Getting caught in a Gondola jam

Don't jump on the first gondola you see. They are often clustered outside the train station and near the Rialto Bridge. If you hop on at a busy area, you are likely to be stem-to-stern with other boats in front and maybe even in the back which makes for a less-than-romantic ride. I've seen lines of eight gondola (gondoli?) in a row stacked up in busy parts of the city.

Look for gondola docks with only a few boats for a quieter ride or ask your gondolier to take a quiet'll likely end up in even more interesting parts of the city as well.

Tip #5 - Skipping Ciccetti

Ciccetti in Venice
You can't go wrong with Ciccetti -- Venetian Tapas

The first of our food tips is THE most important. Ciccetti...the Venetian answer to tapas. Bars and cafes across the city serve Ciccetti starting in the late afternoon through to late night bites. Mini sandwiches, croquettes, bruschetta, and other bite-size foods can be had for a few euros. Four to six can make a meal depending upon your appetite. Plus, they are often served from a glass display case so kids can see the food before they decide if they want to try it.

Many a relaxing evening has been spent with a few ciccetti and coloring books for the kids while mom and dad nosh with a bottle of nice wine from the Veneto wine region.

Mistake #6 - Going the wrong way on the Vaporetto

Vaporetto Venice
Mrs. AK never went the wrong way on the Vaporetto.

The Vaporetto is the public transportation system of Venice. While other cities have a bus line, Venice has vaporetti boats that follow the larger canals docking at various stops. They are a great way to see the city from the water without shelling out the lire for a gondola ride. But check the direction and line numbers carefully. Getting on the wrong boat or going in the wrong direction could cost you an hour in traversing back. Trust's happened to me on more than one occasion.

Mistake #7 - Choosing cheap pizza for dinner

I've never had a bad pizza in Italy...except in Venice. One night we got too late of a start on dinner and every place near our apartment was either full or done serving for the night. We were all tired and hangry, so we settled on a place that had pizzas for 6 euros. It was like eating a frozen microwave pizza at home. We've had a few other subpar meals in Venice. Check the reviews and don't automatically go for the cheapest food.

Mistake #8 - Ordering squid ink pasta

Our oldest is an adventurous eater. He'll try anything once. So when he unflinchingly opted for a dish of squid ink pasta, I was proud of his bold choice.

The pasta was black and soaked in a lukewarm sauce that was the color of midnight. To this day, I am not sure if it was a sauce of just ink squeezed straight from the invertebrate. It tasted like ocean water filtered through a dirty sock that a squid had worn during a basketball game. The picture below makes it look twice as good as it tasted.

Squid ink pasta in Venice

Being a good dad, I traded dishes with my son and tried to choke it down but tapped out after five bites.

To be fair, I've had pasta made with squid ink mixed into the dough and then covered in butter and parsley. That was pretty good. The ink masquerading as sauce not so much. Maybe we had an unlucky plate, but it's definitely an acquired taste.

Mistake #9 - Not being prepared to get wet

Venice with kids and flooding
Venetians and tourists alike wear knee-high plastic booties on flood days. They can be found at vendors throughout the city.

The City of Venice is sinking into the ocean. It has been for centuries. That, combined with rising sea levels, means that Venice floods frequently. When the tides and winds are right, parts of the city are suddenly under 1-2 feet of water. On those days when flooding is likely, city workers will quickly construct raised sidewalks out of what look like folding buffet tables. It's amazing to see them set up block after block of elevated walkways in minutes with a "meh" attitude about the ocean rolling into their town.

So be prepared to get wet. Bring extra shoes...and also see tip #2. Strollers don't do well in floods.

Mistake #10 - Speeding on the main bridge

If you are driving from the mainland or renting a car from Venice to explore other parts of Italy, you will cross the Ponte della Libertà aka the Liberty Bridge. This long, flat, four-lane bridge is about two miles long and has a speed limit of 70 kilometers per hour. That might sound speedy, but it's really only 42 miles per hour. The bridge is lined with speed cameras and you'll get a ticket for going 45 miles an hour. Trust me...I know.

NOT A MISTAKE: Bonus Pro Tip

Do find a crumbly old wall and have your kids pose for their rock album cover shot. Just look at these young toughs.

You'll find tons of amazing spots for pictures with your kids in Venice
Venice is great for family portraits that look like album covers.

Remember these tips and you'll have amazing memories of Venice to cherish for a lifetime.



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